Contact us

This website is managed by the British Lichen Society, and the full list of society contacts is on the BLS website. We welcome enquiries about lichens, and you don't have to be a member of the society to get in touch with us. Unless you know who you need to contact please use our general enquiries email Your message will then be passed on to the best person within the BLS who can help you.

If you just want to know more about lichens you should be able to find the information you need on the About Lichens pages on the BLS website, or in a book such as the New Naturalist on Lichens by Oliver Gilbert, or Lichens, an illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species by Frank Dobson.

If you need help with identifying lichens you might want to try our social media accounts first,@BLSlichensF on Facebook or @BLSlichens on Twitter, or perhaps join one of our online zoom meetings for beginners. There are also local contacts for most of Britain who are very familiar with the lichens of their area, so you are welcome to get in touch with them. Please note that we can't always identify lichens just from photographs as there may be important features that are not shown.